So my poor mother's birthday was August 31 and I've yet to finish her gift. I decided to make her a flip album of the kids on our recent vacation. I envisioned it to be so simple, something I could breeze through. Boy, was I wrong. It's like pulling teeth to get me to sit down and actually work on it - I loose focus like a first grader. I don't know what is the problem ... well, actually I do. Confession time -- I am a horrible buyer of embellishments ... I stand in the store or look at them in the cattie and think I could make that cheaper, which of course I CAN'T. Right now I would give my right arm for some On Board Batch of Blooms, So Tweet, or Essentials ...
Meanwhile, I plug along, finishing one page every day or two ... pathetic I know. I'll post something when and if I ever finish this project.
Thanks for looking and yes HE (sometimes) stamps!